Laboratory Filter Testing
SMP provides filter element testing services as well as complete filter vessel disassembly, reassembly and leak testing services.
Filter Testing
One of the most important issues related to a clean and re-use approach to filtration is validation of cleaned filters. The understanding of cleanliness as well as validating integrity are key factors. Working with our customers is key in establishing applicable criteria.
Test results from each filter cleaned are recorded in our database and maintained for its service life. This allows a filter element to be tracked relative to test data from baseline testing through to the end of its life. Test report are provided on all filters and electronic test data is available.
Available Tests:
- Bubble Point Test *
- 10 LPM / Wetted Air Flow Test *
- Dry Air Permeability Test
- Weight Test
*Uses isopropyl alcohol as the wetting agent
Reassembly of Product (Filter Tube Sheet and Vessel Assemblies)
Tube Sheet Assemblies – Following the testing of filters, when customers filters are received in the tube sheet, our laboratory personnel perform the inspection and reassembly of the filters, perform the final filter torque and attach the retainer grid, if applicable.
Filter Vessel Assemblies – Once the vessel hardware and completed tube sheet assembly is ready for reassembly our personnel have the is equipment and expertise to provide the complete reassembly of the filter vessel. Full services include torque of head bolts and pressure leak tests to ensure adequate sealing.
Warehousing Spare Inventory of Filter Elements and Vessel Assembly Parts
To facilitate faster turnaround of filter tube sheet and/or vessel assemblies, SMP can maintain spare or complete filter element sets. Storage and inventory are managed and maintained for spare filters, seal rings, nuts, bolts, studs, etc. needed for replacement or assembly of each filter vessel. Spare filter sets can filter shorten turn time by as much as 50 % to assist in recovery from shutdowns or short on-stream filter life due to process upsets or routine conditions.